‘Echo’ – City of Martigny, (CH) 1990
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Living, as it has done, either under the yoke of Rome, the cross of Sion or the sword of Savoy, swept trough by the flooding Dranse, decimated by plague, devastated by invaders and, later, by troops passing through, Martigny has known how to survive difficult times. If its geographical situation, directly leading to the Grand St Bernard pass (one of the main gates, through the alps, between north and south of Europe), exposed the place to the turbulences of history, it always conferred its historical importance.Engineer: Michel Buffo, Geneva
Observing the town today shows that, among new dangers threatening the place, the increasing invasion of entrepreneurial architecture of extremely poor quality is obviously of importance.
The purpose of this work is to tell about this situation and to keep the town’s inhabitants aware of the importance for this place to protect its qualities. It consists in the erection of a new tower (same size and same level than the old one) located on the opposite side of the valley, like an ‘echo’
The ability to face up to adversity is symbolized by what became the town’s landmark: the Tower of la Batiaz, built in 13 th century to witness the possible dangers coming from outside. Today the danger seems to come from within the town, where decisions are made.
J.M.W. TURNER - 'The Tower of Martigny' - c. 1830
J.M.W. TURNER - 'The Tower of Martigny' - c. 1830
Starting from the Old Tower (top of image) and crossing the centre of the main square, the line joins the other side of the valley, marking the location of the new tower.
If the old tower is made of stone, the actual material of the new one is what air carries: fog, rain, snow, smokes, pollution, insects, pollens etc., made visible by the use of the light of 56 projectors.
Whilst the light on the ancient tower is just about lighting, with the new one its nature is fundamentally different: giving the tower its ‘phantom like’ presence, it speaks more about ‘enlightenment’.